Prayer Request

As of late, I feel my life is falling apart. Nothing is going right. I lost my family, Due to differences of political views and religion. As a Latina much of our culture has bought the idea that we are left-leaning. My family is no different. My mother also hates my husband and has tried to break us apart because he is white American she also practices witchcraft (which I had as well growing up, For many years.)  I believe she has been cursing my family. 

Months have gone by, and I believe she has succeeded. I feel like the family I created has been ruined. We don't feel close anymore, I may be all alone now. The person I love believes I'm too extreme. He doesn't think the same way I do now.  Strange because it was because of him that my views shifted. I'm alone, I don't have anyone to talk to about my passions as an activist. He doesn't feel comfortable with me. Maybe it's not in my power to save what I have, but to leave it to the church, and for a united front with my Christian brothers and sisters. So I ask for prayer for my family. Prayer against witchcraft, and ending of families. Prayer for salvation and restoring the family.  

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