I'm sure most of these have been thought of before but these are my thoughts
Blogs and Bulletins
- option to automatically subscribe to new friends' blogs
- notifications for new posts from subscribed blogs
- option to sort by most recent in blog and forum searches
- mark blogs and bulletins as read
- prevent people from posting duplicates of their bulletins (some people with slow wifi hit the post button multiple times and it creates copies)
- move the WYSIWYG editor sign to the right in the create blog entry page
I think these changes would encourage ppl to post more in the blogs instead of putting everything in their bulletins
- a separate box for your custom css in the profile edit page (would
allow accessibility option to turn off custom css, some profiles hurt my
head man)
- live preview your custom css WHILE editing it (I've been editing mine locally because it's bothersome to reload often)
- checkboxes to hide elements you don't want (for example I have books hidden using css because I don't read much LOL)
- a spot for games on the interests table because most people on this website play video or board games, probably more than who read full novels.
- ability to prune friends list (ex. remove friends who haven't been online in a year)
- delay new members from appearing on the home page for a few hours (for setting up the profile and weeding out gore before being shown to hundreds of ppl)
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