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Category: Life


Thinking about naming this blog “Chronicles of E”.  

I hate the font of this format, but I do not have the energy to copy and paste an entire entry from Notion. So here we are. 

As I sit in this bus throttling back to school after a field trip, I can’t help but feel conflicted. The field trip was centered around Cuba and its cultural aspects, and now I have the temping urge to fly to Cuba and live there for a lifetime. The colors, the music, the immersion in agricultural and architectural history, all of it enthralls me as an inspiring artist. Watching the teens and young adults live life so freely, despite the restraint of their government, is inspiring. 

Am I scared? Absolutely. According to my parents, every single country other than North America is full of danger and violence and atheism that they aren’t worth visiting. Do I care? No. I want to unclip my theoretical wings and leave home for at least a few years. Even at the expense of what my family sees in me- I need to FLEE

I’m not sure why I’m putting this out on the internet. Typing out nonsense and rereading it on your own blog feels like yelling into a cave and hearing your own echo. Still, it’s therapeutic in a way. It feels like a good outlet for whatever creative goulash swishes around in my empty head. Maybe someone likes it, maybe it interests someone. I’ll keep writing anyways. 


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robin ૮ ^ᴥ^ ა

robin ૮ ^ᴥ^ ა's profile picture

sounds scary and exciting!! i wish u luck that you can go someday!

i agree on the last bit, it can feel kinda good to get your experiences out there in some way but like you said, feels like talking to the void.
also, doesn't clipping someone's wings mean taking away their ability to fly? lol :p

hope u have a good day/night :3

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but ty for your comment, I wish you a lovely day/night as well <3

by Elysian!; ; Report