HAMLET !! - from Hamlet XD

Recently, I've been reading Hamlet, and what better way to yap than post online. 

MF. MY FRIEND(we'll call him Carbon tetrachloride for now) ACTED AS HAMLET DURING OUR READING !!. And he was damn hilarious. Basically, he had turned Hamlet into a homoerotic, mentally ill, necrophilic twink. 

During Act V, Scene I, page 126, in the Thomas Monsell book we were using, CCl4 decided to make out with the skull. 

"Let me see. [Takes the skull.] Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio," (Insert sounds kf slurping and tongue sucking, lips smacking against the bones.) 

The rest of the monolauge consisted of what vaguely sounded of moans and words of grief. It was interesting. The rest of his words had the air of a man in ecstasy when he spoke(CCl4 also used a whiney 'gay voice', too). The English teacher, let's call her Ms. Vanadium, for now, describes him as loud. She's not wrong. He is loud, but he's also nonchalant and funny, a little on the stupid side, but not in a bad way.

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