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Category: Life

4 / 15 / 24

yae banner

4 / 15 / 24

- > lots of genshin nonsense bc my friends are tired of me rambling haha <-

             yaayayy! i have never written anything like dis b4 so pls ignore how messy this looks . . haha. i had the day off work 2day ! so nice haha. i love being able to relax and do what i want. i got a new office chair 4 my desk 2day . . yaaay. its so nice. ive been using my laptop while laying on the floor nd i can finally set it up to setup and monitor again ! haha. kinda sad, i really only play roblox, minecraft, genshin and honkai star rail. >_< lmfaooo... im kind of a loser fr. major nerd. i play overwatch as well, but its currently not installed so genshin will run better. atleast i havent fallen victim to valorant . . . maybe someday ill be able to purchase an actual pc. ive run out of space on my laptop. oh well, it works well enough.

       i need to clean my room, but ive been feeling really bad lately. haha. my girlfriend left me for a man, and its made me feel really shitty. we dated 3 years, we broke up inbetween but i still considered it a long term relationship. i couldnt believe my eyes when she randomly messaged me that she lost feelings and less than a week after had a new boyfriend haha. i wish she was just honest with me from the very start, i think it hurt more to discover after a week of feeling like i did something wrong because she pinned the breakup on having bad communication rather than her gaining feelings for someone else. losing feelings is fine and gaining feelings for someone else is ok! humans cant control their emotions, however thats not what hurt. what hurt was her lying and making me feel like i messed up in some way instead of just taking responsibility for her own emotions and telling me flat out . . isnt that ironic? she lied to me in a message about how she blamed me for having bad communication ! ! >:( so fucked up. whatever. theres a chance she'll see this and thats a bit scary. haha. ive blocked her on mostly everything, at first i wanted to stay friends but after finding out she left me for someone else AND lied to my face about both her feelings and morals i was so deeply hurt i couldnt remain friends.. so i cut contact. i cant believe someone i loved for so long and put so much trust into would leave me for someone so horrible ! ! :( but its whatever. i am deeply hurt and feel very lied too but i am getting better . . gonna try possible casual dating again . . ? not sure . this past week ive spoken a lot to our old mutual friends and they also feel it isnt fair and are there for me . they are so sweet and im so glad to have such amazing friends ahah.

        speaking of our mutual friends ive recently made some new plans to move in with one of them next year for college!~ i was caught so off guard at first because getting out of a long term relationship when youre 18 changes so much . . i planned my entire life around spending the rest of my life with my ex so it was so heartbreaking to have to replan my life . but my friend graham offered to let me move in with them ! i am so so greatful and excited ! =^,^=  we're going to get an apartment and room together during out college duration . . we are even going to apply to the same college hehe! i am beyond excited! im buying graham a hsr sparkle keychain soon and getting sampo for myself so we can match.. i love sampo koski !! ! he is my current fav honkai star rail character . . i have him e4 from sparkles banner and enough 2 buy him from the shop next month ! im sure ill get his e6 eventually . . though i wish i had it now -_- on the topic of gacha games i adore them ! i am quite new to them , although overwatch had similar mechanics i guess . . . hmm . i just started playing genshin last year and honkai star rail this year ! craaazzyyy ! 

    in genshin the limiteds i have are furina , kokomi , yae miko , and kazuha . . i have a favorite type of character haha . i am saving for arlecchino ! i have 16k primos , 30ish pity , a 50 / 50 to win and a dream . . T__T if i lose the 50 / 50 i will be skipping her and use the guaranteed on shenhe . . i hope she's rerunning in 4.7 ! although i also heard alhaitham could rerun in 4.7 . . ughhh so many characters so little time ! i also need wriothesley c1 . . aghh ! ! thats like 1000 wishes to guantee all of them ! ! hopefully i win my 50/50's . . i NEED shenhe and wriothesley , as wriothesley is my favorite character . . so i am prioritizing them . . ughh T_T so many gems so little time . i hope im able to get them all ! i would prefer to not swipe my card ! 

   my current genshin team plans are shenhe , wriothesley , kokomi & kazuha . . yae miko , fischl , yaoyao & alhaitham . . for arle i would use chevreuse , yae miko , fischl & arlecchino of course . i need to build more teams ! i need to use furina . . maybe in a wriothesley team ? unsure ! im still fairly new , i need to look into more teams to use . . i have limited characters as well . let me list off characters i want in order i want them ! !

- wriothesley c1 -

- shenhe -

- alhaitham -

- nahida -

- arlecchino -

- wanderer -

- the raiden shogun -

- hu tao -

     i actually skipped both raiden and nahida for yae miko . . i tried pulling for raiden but didnt get her ,..,.,.,,, didnt even make it to pity ... haha. so i skipped nahida and used my pity on yae. my friend couldnt believe i would skip nahida ! but i care about my own enjoyment over meta and i have not regretted pulling for yae . . she is so beautiful and remains my favorite genshin character. i love her ! i pulled for itto as well but lost my 50 / 50 to qiqi . . -__- haha . . used my guarantee for kazuha though ! no regrets ! =^.^= although i dont care for him as a character or his design that much he is a great support for the characters i do play . . i was just talking about how i dont care for meta but he was an acceptation haha ! he makes the game sooo much easier . . the same goes for shenhe , although i do love her character i am mostly pulling her because i have a use for her in my wriothesley team . .  i love niche supports ! + i love her characters so it all works in the end ! she is so pretty . . i love women haha . 

    im currently doing quests & exploration for primos . . hoping to 100% inazuma soon . im about 70 % on each island . i love fontaine as well !~ fontaine is my favorite region ever . i love it visually, the story is great , i love the characters and the puzzles and exploration is also fun . . i cant wait for natlan! i hope it also lives up to my expectations like fontaine did! im soo excited to see columbina . . shes my favorite harbinger. i cant wait to pull her! im gonna c0r1 her.. depending on how good her lower cons are. i dont have the funds to get c6 of any character, no matter how much i love them . . unfortunate but i need to make smart financial choices as an adult planning to move states soon.

   hmm. i need to get back to grinding for primos so ill end this here.. goodbye every1 ! love u ! <3 i will figure out how to use this website better soon trust . .

0 Kudos


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