Water falls.
One way or another, it falls.
White and lighter than air, fairy dust floating....
then it grows.
and released screaming from sky,
dashed against and over rocks
it drops, compelled to the lowest possible point;
4.5 billion years
on the Grand Tour....
this raindrop on my hand
stops here
not in soil, sewer, stream or sea.
Wiped away,
smearing its be-ing for this go-around
into observable oblivion.
Even so, returning to its higher calling
joining its brothers in the beckoning sky
to land in another place, another time -
sparkling jewels in Mother Earth's
chain of re-generation.
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Someone Somewhere
Most of the water here on earth, the stuff we drink, expel, grow things with, etc. has actually been here for several million years in various forms. It just follows the cycle over and over again.
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