Alright y'all. Looks like I gotta write another blog post about something new that happened. Putting off all that website work aside, I have a lot of stuff to talk about today.
So, here's the story of what happened after the last post. One night, we decided to make a joke project called "FREA$H" where we copied his entire discography as an officially endorsed Sonic4 Test Records bootleg. Since 90% of it was tracks that we already own, it was fairly easy. The other 10% were stolen from other artists, like V/Vm and The Caretaker as well as a few others we don't seem to know about, so to replace those tracks we have produced our own to take their place.
We pulled an all nighter, and the project was completed in one sitting. "" was finished, and we had our fun while making these joke parodies. It's so fun to steal, isn't it?
Here's what it looked like before it was deleted. Most of these albums have 1-2 and 5-8 tracks that are reuploads of songs from Love Beyond Our Reality, Love-Struck, Fake Love, and various other tracks from the Sonic4 Test Records discography. You aren't missing out on anything, but if you'd like to download and listen these to yourself, I've posted all of them as ZIP files on the announcements channel in my Discord server.
Well, so what happened? Why did we delete them? Around the time, we reported him to a moderator which I won't share the name of here, and he got banned from many servers. He came back with an alt account and got banned again. I'm in touch with the moderator, and I took his advice and chose to stay out of this situation and take it down to not escalate it any further. (side note: the actual FREA$H saw the screenshot above. it happened today, and he didn't say anything.)
Anyways, here's where the idea of "Steal And Bastardspark" came to be.
That 10% of the tracks that I mentioned earlier? Those weren't stolen from me, so we had to replace them with brand new tracks that were exclusive to the FREA$H Bandcamp. I didn't want them to disappear, cause some of them were really good. I guess it's debatable whether if they're good or bad, but I decided to make a compilation album to SAVE those tracks that were exclusive to the FREA$H project. Six of them were produced by ASDF, and one was produced by me.
Since it was going to be a compilation album, I asked Alice98 and Stomach Acid to make their own tracks for it too. They both did, and they both sound dark and epic in a literal sense. Good job to everyone involved in the production of it, I'm proud of y'all. Hands down to all of us, we cooked.
I'm responsible for the last 4 tracks, which is like a representation of how the end of STALE04 at the end of time might sound like. Maybe I should get to working on that project again, don't ya think?
Anyways, enough waffling. Here's the album, exclusive to Alice98 Test Records. Why? 'Cause why the hell not.
Steal And Bastardspark on Alice98 Test Records
Two new releases on VaultKid, and one more on the way. Here is a 30 Minute Album by asdf, and A Fragment Of What Was by HappyEpicBoi.
The second one will be a small release by Stomach Acid, which will be the first time that he's going to make an official appearance on Sonic4 Test Records. It'll be out there when I have the chance to upload it. I'm busy as fuck.
The artwork has been made, and the first side has been compiled in one sitting. 13/25 tracks have been taken care of. 30/60 minutes of runtime has been recorded. We're finally going to get a new STALE album in 2024. Here's what the album cover looks like, by the way.
Some more news... I guess. I'll just spit them out one by one without any order of importance.
LostHeat has been delayed and kind of... changed, a little bit? Release date: May 1st.
STALE04 at the end of time is still on hold. It'll continue when I get the chance to work on it.
AuralAwfulDanmaku is still on hold. It'll continue when Alice98 continues working on it.
STOLEN03 is planned to be from Local Radar. It's debatable though, if he's gonna come back or not.
Thirty Seven Glass Shards has been released on VaultKid, because why the hell not.
VaultKid site has to be taken care of. I'm going to rebrand it in the future, when i'm not busy of course.
Alice98 Test Records site has to be taken care of. I'm going to set it up in the future, when i'm not busy of course.
ASDF and HappyEpicBoi have their own websites now. I'll include them as links to their microsites in the website in the future, when i get the chance of course.
And more... I have to write album pages too. I have tons of work to take care of, I have to fix the vaultkid microsite, I have to add a bunch of new stuff, I have a lot to do. Please give me time.
And with that, I'll see you in the next release. Bye y'all.
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