goimng crazy over my crush omg.. ^o^

so like i have this crush in school right? and like i'm going sooo insane cause he's so pretty and like he has the same lunch period as me. and like the list of things i could say abt him is endless.. he's smarrtt.. in honors classes.. and he's like the sun. he sits far away from me but he still brightens my day, and i wish he knew how special he is to me. he's very dear to me and i reallyreallyREALLYREALLY wanna talk w him one day. we've had like 2 one off interactions but like i still cherish them to this day. i love him so dearly and i would go through the mojave desert just for the knowingness and reassurance that he loves me back. hell, thinking about him makes me feel i've died and went to heaven! and it's so weird because i've never ever EVER felt this strongly about a person. even if it's one sided, i can cherish the strong feelings of joy and love i feel for him. 

okay ramble over! :3

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VAN's profile picture

omg?? this has to be the same person you told me!
crushes and romance can be scary at first, but if you become honest with them then it's okay!

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im one month late but aww!! thank you friend!!! im really hoping things will go well with this person :3

by Dotty; ; Report