Artist problems

I don't know what I'm doing or if I'm putting this in the right category or even what kind of a response I'm looking for, but here we go-

I feel overwhelmed and de-motivated towards drawing, looking back at all the years I've spent on it I think I should be better. It used to not bother me that I wasn't rapidly becoming a master, I had enough confidence to just believe it would happen if I practiced a little here and there. But now I look at my acquaintances' art and I want to cry seeing how easy it comes for them, knowing I wasted so much time. I could've been amazing by now. 

It's this constant cycle, where I'm too tired and un-motivated to put serious work into anything, but then I want to get my life together in the span of an hour lol. Yes I have adhd. I want to live well, it's not that I'm apathetic as what happens to me or what I should be doing, I'm just low on "stamina" by default. And now on top of that is the overwhelm that comes with knowing I'll never get back that time.

~ Tyler

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All clowns hide some measure of pain behind their painted face, to question oneself is quite normal. The real hard part is seeing past that in the mirror.

Perhaps you just need a change of pace, to do something else for a while and then perhaps the inspiration will come to you. As for the question of quality, does it have to have any quality other than your derived enjoyment? Eye of the beholder, creativity for its own sake and all that. Feeling like you're improving is a grand thing for sure but surely a part of improving is also to accept your journey there, yes?

This is getting maybe a bit too ramble-y so we'll call it enough but hopefully it gave you something to consider. If not, no worries, its just another silly person on the online, no harm in ignoring that.

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I will remember that first line forever, thankyou XD

by Tyler; ; Report