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Category: Food and Restaurants

Isy Recipe

Today we will be making Tudor style Isy mince pies, with a modern twist.

For this recipe you will need:
4 Figs, 
A Small pot of honey, 
Tsp. Cinnamon,
Tsp. Nutmeg,
10 Cloves, 
4 Mint leaves,
1 Isy, lightly pre-seasoned with five-spice,
Two handfuls of Raisins, 
A quarter pint of brandy.
A handful of cranberries,
A small apple,
Mixed fruits juice (apple and orange),
An acceptance of your sin,
Candied orange peels,
1 Tsp brown sugar,
1 Tsp butter,
Orange zest, grated,
mixed spice,
6 Prunes, chopped,
half pound of Suet,
Shortcrust pastry baby Jesus lid for the pie (premade),
Shortcrust pastry casing (premade) and,
Icing sugar

Marinate your minced Isy in honey for three hours, rubbing in a mixture of cinnamon and nutmeg evenly throughout. Chop up and mix the fruits for your filling, stir into a saucepan with the butter, spices and juice. Cook on a low heat for 10 minutes. After letting it rest, add your filling ingredients into the Isy, kneading the mincemeat through until it is well mixed. Heat your oven to 350 degrees at this point. Pour your Isy mixture into your premade shortcrust, and seal with your baby Jesus. Bake for 20 Minutes. Lightly dust with icing sugar and enjoy! Fresh Isy.

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Hibarum's profile picture

Inspired! Trying this with my kids tonight

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