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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

updating a website

Added to my website today, because I was bored and still need to brush up my HTML and CSS for part-time college. This time, however, I wanted to slam my head into the wall.

You see, I wanted to move the CSS from the layout builder I used to its own CSS file. This proved to be harder than I thought and broke the site thousands of times along the way. Luckily I managed to do it. However, along the way a different problem came up.

For some unholy reason, my index page was forever stuck in its previous version during editing. This was a problem, as I wasnt able to navigate to the other pages that I had just made. I decided to nuke the file and hope I can fix it later.

... Well I couldnt because now it's stuck on the nuked version.

However, the home and about files are available, so if you want to see the site i made by patching files together with scotch tape and fabric glue, here's the homepage. Only trigger warnings needed are for unneccesary references and whatever mental illness spawned this site in the first place lol.

Hopefully I can get the index file to work later. and if I cant, tough shit because this is a nightmare.

Ok so update: index suddenly works again and it's the up-to-date version again. that's neat. doesn't change the fact that I want to cry, but it's neat.

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