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i think scene vs scenecore is stupid!!

ok hear me out... i get why the two exist! but the way people use scene and scene core is really annoying! there's not much of a difference between the two other than one is "cool and original" and the other is "cringe and gen z".ive seen so many contradicting definitions for both scene and scene core and none of them have been the same! i just think the whole thing is stupid and not that serious.

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XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX's profile picture

It isn't that big of a deal, but at the same time the two are very different from each other. Scene is a subculture, while scenecore is an aesthetic. That is the major difference between the two labels. Scene and scenecore people listen to different music and dress differently (scenecore fashion is not the same as scene fashion, and scene kids such as myself can often recognize when somebody is wearing scene fashion versus when somebody is wearing scenecore fashion). As a scene kid who is trying extremely passionate about the original scene subculture, I must admit that I do get annoyed when people say scene and scenecore are the same. They are not, and that's okay.

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thx for comenting! i agree that the two are different, but i guess my main issue is when people use scene vs scenecore to gatekeep stuff from others :/ if you say your scene thats cool!! and if you say your scenecore thats also cool! but just cause someone's young/new to scene fashion or the culture doesn't mean there scenecore! (that's the main thing i see/hear all the time)
(also unrelated your blog is really cool :0 )

by pink_sphinx; ; Report

Yeah, I agree that the whole scene vs. scenecore thing is kind of gatekeepy and, at the end of the day, stupid. Making fun of new scene kids because they aren't entirely familiar with the scene subculture and only really know about the scenecore aesthetic is counterproductive and prevents new people from joining the scene subculture and keeping it alive. I think it is important to educate new scene kids about the subculture and give them music and fashion advice/recommendations rather than pushing new scene kids away.

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report

And yeah, just because somebody is new to the scene subculture does not mean they're scenecore. They're just new.

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report