Hello this is Loftknight writing, & I am going to get things kicking off here in Spacehey!
This account is the mark of starting a dedication to the 90's & early 2000's world in both digital media, print, web, video, & happenings that was going around back then. Welcome to Kashou Shakai (aka Virtual Society).
What I plan to do with the name here is produce a small zine that covers tips, tricks, & trivia for capturing that lifestyle again for other folks' entertainment & learning. There also might be some showcases & content made by others in the future, but who knows! We'll see how it goes along :). These issues will be published here in the blog & occasionally I'll socialize using the group & forums section from time to time.
There's also a hangout I started using that modern IM/VOIP "Discord" for outreach & chat. Feel free to drop by, the server's just an extension of the 90's/Y2K appreciation Virtual Society offers.
All in all, I'll be looking forward to developing the first issue & sharing it here. Till next time!
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