[Wednesday, April 10, 2024]
Today has been one of those days where my mind feels like it's been caught in a whirlwind of negativity. Work, in particular, has been a bit of a rollercoaster.
I found out that two of my colleagues have transitioned to full-time positions, and while I genuinely want to be happy for them, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. Being relatively new to this tech company, having only been a contractor for three months, I'm still figuring out the ropes. The uncertainty about when or if I'll transition to full-time myself added to the frustration. It's a mix of emotions that I'm working through – trying to balance genuine happiness for my colleagues' success while dealing with my own feelings of uncertainty.
On top of that, there's the looming uncertainty of my injury. Tomorrow marks the day I finally bid farewell to my cast, but the fear of what comes next weighs heavily on my mind. Will I bounce back to my usual self, or will there be lasting effects? The unknown is daunting, to say the least.
Amidst it all, I find myself longing for the simple comforts – the soothing routine of skincare and the refreshing embrace of sunlight and fresh air. It's funny how the little things take on a whole new meaning when they're temporarily out of reach. I'm looking into options like Softwave therapy and muscle recovery supplements, hoping they'll offer some relief and speed up my recovery.
But amidst the challenges, there's also a silver lining. I'm discovering a newfound determination to not only focus on my own growth but also to celebrate the successes of others. It's a shift in perspective that emphasizes collaboration over comparison, acknowledging that we're all on this journey together.
- Marvin
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