simon/charlie's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

byi + dni

before you interact

-I'm alright with adults interacting I guess, but just please do not act weird towards me ^^

-I use tone tags/tone indicators !! I'm not forcing anyone to use them, but just please be aware of the fact I might not always understand social cues , and occasionally using them when Interacting is heavily appreciated :]

-I am already in a relationship with someone, and I don't really feel comfortable being flirted with ^^; , so please don't that !! ^_^

-I have audhd,, so I kind of have difficulties with conversations and interacting w others, and I have difficulties with emotional dysregulation ^_^;

-I'm not a friend collector, I just rarely clear out my friends list lol,,


do not interact

-Homophobes/Anti LGBTQIA+

-Anti xeno/neopronouns users, anti xenogenders, anti alter humans n xenoids, etc.

-AroAce exclusionists/Asexual exclusionists


-Racists / Racialists



-Neo n⌗zis / Anti semitism 

-Pro-Israels / Zionists

-You think all jewish people are zionists 


[-You purposely misuse tonetags/tone indicators]

-People who romanticize mental illnesses/disorders 

-Misandrists & Misogynists (including transmisogynists and transmisandrists)

-Lolicons and Shotacons, Fujoshis and Fudanshis, Proshippers, MAPs


-People who sexualize age regression

-RCTA (Race change to another), ECTA (Ethnicity Change To Another), DCTA (Disability change to another)

-Constant nsfw bulletin posters (occasionally is fine, but everyday,, pls do not interact ^^;)

-TCC (true crime community), people who idolize school shooters, serial killers, and anything else relevant to those

-Against self shipping, and self inserts/self insert ocs , or ocs in general (I don't rlly see any problem w it tbh)

-Religious people who try to convert their religion onto others

-Non religious people who mock religions

-You justify any form of animal abuse and/or find it funny

-You engage in arguments/drama a lot (I don't like that type of stuff, and I choose to separate myself from that)

-Those who romanticize grape (people who do disgust me)

yeha. thats it. grub

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