help me

the owl house finale was a fucking year ago and i'm gonna kill myself because that fucking series about lesbian witches was my fucking safe place and idk why bro!!

if i remember well i knew this series in idk...2022??? with that audio of "i am better than u. so why you were so easy to curse!!!" or something like that. and that for the date was the biggest spoiler up to that time!! it happened the same with amphibia i was like, scrolling on tik tok and then i saw a gir with a yellow sword on her stomach and i was like "WHAT THE FUCKKKK?!?!?" and then i was obbsessed with those series.

08/04/2023. it was 8:30 pm, and i was with 2 pc, 1 tablet and 1 phone waiting for watching and dreaming. i cried the whole fucking episode bro!! and when the episode ended, i was crying so fucking loud that my dad heared me and i had to tell him that i was crying because a kids show had ended. the old me said "i would NEVER get over this!!!" and now i'm a fucking weird fan of other things. but i still love that fucking show i luv u dana thank u for all

i just wanted to write that shit cuz this is important to me. why? idk bro!!

idk if this is grammatically correct, i dont even know how to write in my native language bro. this is so cringe and i hate cringe so maybe im gonna delete this, okay bye faggots

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