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Category: Games

I just got ESP Ra.De!

I was finally able to receive my copy of ESP Ra.De that I got on ebay, I heard a lot of great things about the game and how it's one of Cave's best. So far I'm enjoying the game a lot, but I wish M2 bothered to have an English language option for importers such as myself.

Esper's room seems like a unique way to merge the mission mode from Graze Counter with a standard dress up simulator, but I kinda wish you could decorate the character's with more clothing options instead of basic accessories like hats or wristbands. Also the way the missions are given out feels kinda padded, you're encouraged to get all 4 stars in a mission for completion's sake by replaying it 4 times with different modes, but I feel like beating the hardest mode should just give you all the stars from the easier modes.

(It definitely looks like the average Flash dress-up game, granted it's just a side-mode)

Playing through this mode made me wonder what it would be like if Cotton RnR 2 had a side-mode where you could beat challenges to unlock alternate costumes for different characters, I love seeing Cotton wear different outfits and would be thrilled to see her wear even more of them.

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