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Category: Blogging

I joined the Code Institutes 5 day coding course!

Greetings all!

I just completed the first day of the Code Institutes 5 day coding challenge! It was fun to feel my mind expand with knowledge as well as experience multiple "Oh so thats what that thing does!" moments haha.

We are learning the basics of HTML, CSS and Js. I may even be able to customise my blog further after completing this course hehe /ᐠ •ヮ• マ Ⳋ

Here are some of my notes from todays session:

Hope you all have a lovely week!

1 Kudos


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nico's profile picture

ooh, this coding course thing seems interesting! i'm going to have to look into it.

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Thank you, it was really fun! The 5 day one is over, but codeacademy has some good free courses! TryHackMe is also good if you're interested in Opsec! Though the full courses are paid, but theres still some good free stuff there, especially for beginners!

by Ocean; ; Report

Ah, also I can send you my notes from the course if you would like! /ᐠ •ヮ• マ Ⳋ

by Ocean; ; Report

ohh i see! it was a temporary thing. (sorry if you already mentioned this somewhere and i didn't notice or forgot.) also, thank you, i haven't heard of tryhackme.

by nico; ; Report

You're welcome! I hope you have fun with it! ≽^•⩊•^≼

by Ocean; ; Report