03 - listening to sachiko kanenobu recently

i was thinking that i've been wanting to meet other people who are learning japanese (who have a native language of english or maybe a romance/slavic language because those are the ones which i understand at like a structural level). i'm a complete beginner and I worry that i don't have enough support because i'm learning alone and trying to do it without spending a lot of money right now, so i haven't signed up for a class yet (I did once- then covid hit, so I went to about 3 lessons before I never saw any of those people again... and I stopped trying to learn for like 3+ years). I have some Japanese language partners, but I would like to meet people I can chat with about common problems that -learners- face, who understand from a learner's perspective.

So um I'm making this post public so maybe someone who is a beginner/low intermediate even will see this. And good luck to any and everyone on their language journeys <3

(not sure if perhaps I should have posted this to 'travel', but I want to learn japanese to a level beyond travel phrases so it feels more like a goal/plan)

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