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Category: Writing and Poetry

KiBLS Poetry - Evolving out of the chrysalis

A poem written by KiBLS, Gup_katyusha, Promisetrinh and Deceptions

Title: Evolving out of the chrysalis

Evolving out of the chrysalis

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Zigzag Buster 🇺🇦

Zigzag Buster 🇺🇦's profile picture

This must be where your image of the butterfly comes from!

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The butterfly was more of a coincidence and not a conscious choice. I modeled a lot of things with Blender 3D and there was a butterfly among them. I used it as a profile photo and improved it a bit over time. And since it fits well with a transformation and development, I decided to keep it. So the butterfly is not based on any poem, but it is suitable for many poems of course :)

by KiBLS; ; Report

Honestly, that is rather fitting!

by Zigzag Buster 🇺🇦; ; Report

Ultimately, everything also has a symbolic aspect. The butterfly that stands for transformation, the chessboard where my artist's name suddenly appears and thus manipulates the game. You can interpret and evaluate everything in some way, I think. But I don't do it consciously, more intuitively. :)

by KiBLS; ; Report