yearbook pictures

so this friday we took our senior yearbook pictures and oh boy was it a MESS (for me atleast). we decided to take pictures outside which was a really crappy idea because it was pretty windy that day and at one point it even started raining (lightly) while we were taking our pictures lmfaooo. we also had to wear our graduation caps and stoles for the pictures and mine were literally FLYING OFF because of how windy it was, and dont even let me get started with how awful my hair looked x_x but in the end the pictures turned out pretty good i think! then we took a group picture with the whole class and my slow self deadass forgot to look at the camera LOL. i got distracted by this dude who was talking bout smth and i literally forgot i was in the middle of a photo sesh. i eventually was like OH WAIT IM SUPPOSED TO LOOK AT THE CAMERA but by then the photographer was done... we'll get our yearbooks after the graduation day which is in less than 2 months (oh god) and im lowkey scared to see how the pictures have turned out LOL

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Galentine(blinged out chihuahua)

Galentine(blinged out chi...'s profile picture

you'll be adorable don't worry!

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thank u <3 i hope so!

by ☆TotallyBlingedOut☆; ; Report