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♰Zombie rambles♰


I have a big fascination and interest in zombies and the undead. I have always been a huge fan of video games, shows and films about the living dead. There are so many different takes on them (all the different types in The Last of Us, then we have the entirety of World War Z to name a few) however all of them follow the same theme; created by a virus. Without a doubt the most notable franchise to implement the zombifying virus outbreak was Resident Evil, however as we all know, zombies began as actual dead people, who for whatever reason are awoken from their graves. They dig theirselves up and move on to eat the living's brains, the latter sticking with the newer takes on the zombie apocalypse. 


However, with the idea that zombies are dead people brought to life by some force, there has been A LOT missing, especially when we do those zombie stories in modern era. Obviously the entire idea of living dead is fantasy and unrealistic, but that does not mean we could not include some realism to it. Which brings me to my points and ideas; 

In the practice of embalming, two of the many procedures morticians do on the deceased are 1. place eye caps in their eyes and 2. lock their jaws in place. I would like to see this implemented in zombies that are brought alive and they break free from their graves. Because that is what they would look like. They would not be able to open their mouths, they would not see since the eye caps prevent the opening of the eyelids. It would bring a sense of realism and make the undead more grounded. And admittedly it would make them a little creepier. 

Another thing morticians do is put makeup on the deceased. Especially if the funeral is to have an open casket. So some of the zombies would have gentle makeup on their faces, mimicking the look of the sleeping living. Eerie and horrific, I would say. Along with the makeup, many of the zombies would be well dressed, since the deceased's attire is a suit or a gown. An undead in a beautiful, but matted and dirtied gown, with slight makeup to make them look kind of alive, who cannot see nor groan or scream. I would love that. 

With the mention of caskets, it never sat right with me in the first place, that zombies would be able to burst out of their graves. The caskets and coffins are closed tightly to prevent anything getting inside and the amount of dirt on them when they are buried makes them too heavy to open. That would mean the dead brought to life would gain a surge of power and strength to be able to free themselves. Perhaps at the first moments of their awakening, they would be most powerful? 


My deep fascination and fixation on the undead keeps on growing as I drabble into these subjects I would like to see depicted. As much as I love the virus outbreaks, I would love to see realism with the simplicity of dead brought to life. Though I will say, the idea that a virus mends you near brain dead is deeply fascinating and so much more could be done with it. Each passing day I lie in wait for new living dead content for my undead carcass to consume. 


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