Why would/wouldn't you laugh at someone sitting?

The sitting person thinks ‘Why are they laughing at me?. I’m just sitting, everyone sits.’ as the laughing person is standing in front of the classroom laughing like they've heard the funniest joke of all time and to me the question thought of is utterly absurd. You may argue sitting is less tiring, and that's correct but it’s also correct that we were designed to be upright, walking, running, and on the move according to The Science of Sitting by Humanscale. With that being known, have we been socialized to sit? The answer is yes no matter how you try to contradict my theory. If you say it's because we don't have to work in the same way anymore, couldn't someone argue we are socialized to not work in the same way? What I’m trying to say is whether you sit or stand there's no point. To this point you can argue you can't just stand while driving. To that I argue, why does it matter? Whether this hypothetical driver dies, is uncomfortable or even enjoys themselves, on a larger scale, in the big picture, why does this matter? To be honest it doesn't. Even if that person is the most important person in the world I can estimate in the next three millenniums no one will care. Why would it matter if they cared anyways? Why does anyone's emotions, anyone's actions, what anyone has said, what makes history, what ‘changes’ the world matter? Really none of these things matter. Whether you dance naked in the street, Fall in love, have sex, have a child, die,  if you look at it from an omniscient or third person point of view none of this would hold significance. In some cultures, such as Buddha, ego death is associated with godliness. Maybe it's ego itself that keeps people from seeing these things as insignificant. ‘Research takes a closer look at ego dissolution’ from binghamton.edu suggests ego dissolution can lead to depersonalization, detachment from reality and dissociation, and even psychosis. Baist of all this you might assume I just do nothing, go outside naked ,and that I am depressed. It is valid to think that way but in reality I am not any of the above. My real philosophy is all those things and breaking societal norms are all pointless, to an extent. Thinking this way is rebelion enough. Actively doing things like wearing no clothes goes against my philosophy. Whether I wear clothes or not is pointless. But I don't consider myself just a multi-perspective person. What I mean by this is even though my philosophy would make some assume I wouldn't want to ‘change’ the world, but this is entirely not true. The act of knowing this world is pointless, absurd, even ridiculous, and still doing the pointless trivial activities of everyday life is not only an act of rebellion but an alignment with the universe. I consider this alignment with the universe because the universe is chaotic and this chaotic existence, living, dying,  following  social norms is absurd. We are all in alignment ,pressumbly, there is no human, no organism in this universe that doesn't exhibit absurd behavior. The bunny continues to run when it knows it's going to be caught by the wolf, the human trying to make sense of this senseless existence, the tree continuing to grow when it feels the vibrations of the feller buncher coming its way. My existence, my ambitions and everyone else's are absurd. Albert camus states “Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee?” This may be perceived as one of those edgy quotes but if you read between the lines you'd understand that this quote is a great summarization of the core idea behind Absurdism. If we assume that we humans are all aware that we are going to die relatively soon, and also believe that life has no meaning, then what difference does it make to choose between killing yourself this morning or having a cup of coffee? To me both of these acts are absurd and that is why doing something instead of nothing when knowing this is beneficial, or really an act of rebellion. Though it matters not, I will change the world because that would make me one of the top rebels. In reality I want to reduce prejudice but I am also aware of the fact it's pointless to do so in the bigger picture, absurd isn't it. My starter sentence about why we sit is an analogy to the absurd. I’d like you,reader,to see it the same way you’d see my favorite Albert Camus quote which is “Should I kill myself, or have a cup of coffee?”.I don't mean this as in to compare them to each other. But I am asking you to see the two things as the same analogy. An analogy to absurdism. Why would someone laugh at someone sitting? Why wouldn't they? They know the act of sitting has no point,they know the act of laughing has no point but they still laugh anyway because in the end none of these acts really matter. Whether the sitting person is a follower and this will lead them into being timid and unimaginative or whether the laughing person will become the opposite of such,is insignificant. The laughing person isn't laughing at the person sitting. In that sentence you are looking at it from the perspective of the insecure and ego ridden sitting person. The laughing person is laughing at the world. They are laughing because even the act of laughing is absurd. The sitting, the sitting person, societal norms aren't the point of the joke,  life is! .I mean no one said the laughing person was doing anything to infer they were laughing at the sitting person. Maybe ego is the joke because if so the sitting person wouldn't think they're being heckled. If you think you should've gotten more details and if you're fazed/upset you didn't, maybe you're the  sitting person. Maybe you should've been more creative or thought more into it. Or maybe it doesn't matter.

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