Eli <3's profile picture

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Category: Friends

Intro + Byf & Dni

HI I'm Alex!! :33

I'm 13 :D


Interests: Projects, Music, Horror Games, Drawing, Writing, Musicals, Art, etc

Pet Peeves: Chewing loudly(also with ur mouth open..), someone(specifically someone that I think has gross/disgusting habits) giving me something(food, drink, etc), saying "Are you okay" or "Why are you crying" while not helping at all, & when people get mad at ppl 4 not answering quickly(sometimes I get too scared to say smth else or i just don't know what else 2 say bc I change topics a lot)

bfy: I don't talk 2 much(mostly on here) unless I get 2 know u, I am starting to get panicky more than usual so like yeah..., I change topics a lot :(, I'm really dry texter...(Mostly because I dont use discord or spacehey that much!!), I most likely won't be able 2 call u and talk bc my parents r like really strict and think that anyone is a old guy on the internet(I respect it but hey, not everyone will be like that now since sometimes people don't like meeting up nor are there people like that anymore now aka rare to find weird old men.), I don't like venting that much(I try to not make things sound like I am because I'm not trying to), and I don't mind random jokes but don't make suicide jokes nor any other gross jokes ur not funny if u make them

dni: 18+(you can add me on here but just so you know I'm not going to interact with you at all.), proshippers, Racists, Gore-enjoyers(ur not cool nor quirky, zoophiles, nazis/neo-nazis, alfred playhouse enjoyers(It's a ventshow not a edgy show u can watch and laugh to.), really creepy tcc ppl(The ones that are on the murderers side), Shane Dawson fans, Yandev supporters, rcta/ecta ppl(Just ew??), homophobes, transphobes, etc

4 my friendz :3:

If u want 2 like actually talk 2 me friend me on Discord!!(Tell me who u r tho I don't wanna be confused lol)

User:canal_dos2 OR aloneboy13.

And also u guys r really cool :DD

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