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Category: Games

Piracy and game preservation

I think piracy helps game preservation because a lot of games unfortunately do start to become lost at time and theres no longer any legitimate ways to play those games again and the only way to play those games again is through piracy.

That's my opinion on this but I also like hearing other people's opinions on this kind of stuff

Would you agree that piracy helps game preservation? Why or why not?

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piracy absolutely helps with the preservation of ANY media. doesn't matter if it's movies, tv shows, music, games, books, etc. but for video games, it's very different. what makes me personally pirate video games is the fact that the DRM is sometimes very invasive and often times completely ruins my experience with the game i'm playing. but also, a lot of games are being wiped from storefronts like steam or... well i don't know any others ;P. but my main point here is, sooner or later, our beloved storefronts will shut down. all the games we've bought will be worthless. pirating a game doesn't have these problems. i have hundreds of gigabytes of ISOs/GOG rips i've collected over the years that will always work regardless of anything. i actually had a problem with this exact thing i just described. i paid 30$ to play dark souls remastered, and the remaster is just horrible. i lost 3 saves already, netting me a cool -300 hours worth of progress. and of course i couldn't buy the original one, since it's delisted. so what the fuck should i do? of course, i just pirated it. one DSFix and proton shenanigans later, and i'm already having an experience 1000x better than the remaster. slam a big fuck you to all the game devs who delist their products in favor of inferior ones. piracy will never die, as long as everyone does their part and seeds, piracy will live on. now for indie games, i go out of my way to purchase some games that i really like. i blew cash on factorio, but my hours/money ratio can show you that i really enjoyed the game and the money didn't matter.

tldr: piracy is detrimental to persevering video games, but go out of your way to support non scummy indie devs!

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I 100% agree with everything you've said here, one game I enjoy is Session Skate Sim and the Devs (Creature Studios) are actually really good at listening and communicating to players about what they want and are good about keeping players updated and make it clear if there's something new coming to the game and when unlike Easy Day Studios.
It's the best example I could think of as far as Good and Bad indie devs but I definitely support buying games made from smaller non-scummy indie studios.

Thank you for sharing!

by 4iss.22; ; Report