Black is to show the pronouns.
purple is to show how you would use them for those who will claim that they are "difficult to use" and would rather call us "they/them". (Which we are incredibly uncomfortable with)
Blue is simply added text.
In-case you cannot see it, incorrect pronouns are crossed out. The incorrect pronouns are placed before the correct pronouns, which are above the green.
Also; all of us use the same pronouns, but if a certain alter/fictive/introject tells you to use a certain one from this list, please comply. We will provide a link to this blog when that happens. Do not fret, we are not mad at you.
He Xe went to the mall to get his xyrs friend a gift.
He Xe went with his xyrs sister to pick himself xemself a birthday cake.
Xe is a person boy.
We/Us/Our/Ours/Ourself (This is mainly for ourself. You may ignore if you would like.)
I We went to the mall to get my our friend a gift.
I We went with my our sister to pick myself ourself a birthday cake.
We are a person boy. Our parents picked us up from school.
He pup went to the mall to get his pups friend a gift.
He pup went with his pups sister to pick himself pupself a birthday cake.
Pup is a person boy. (Or thing, but preferably boy.)
He It went to the mall to get his it's friend a gift.
He It went with his it's sister to pick himself itself a birthday cake.
It is a person thing. (Or boy, but preferably thing.)
He Vam went to the mall to get his vamps friend a gift.
He Vam went with his vamps sister to pick himself vampself a birthday cake.
Vamp is a person thing.
He Rawr went to the mall to get his rawrs friend a gift.
He Rawr went with his rawrs sister to pick himself rawrself a birthday cake.
Rawr is a person thing.
He Fox went to the mall to get his foxs friend a gift.
He Foxs went with his foxs sister to pick himself foxself a birthday cake.
He Kit went to the mall to get his kits friend a gift.
He Kit went with his kits sister to pick himself kitself a birthday cake.
He went to the mall to get his friend a gift.
He went with his sister to pick himself a birthday cake.
She went to the mall to get her friend a gift.
She went with her sister to pick herself a birthday cake.
They went to the mall to get their friend a gift.
They went with their sister to pick themself a birthday cake.
He Star went to the mall to get his star's friend a gift.
He Star went with his star's sister to pick himself starself a birthday cake.
He Zom went to the mall to get his zoms friend a gift.
He Zom went with his zoms sister to pick himself zombieself a birthday cake.
He Bat went to the mall to get his bats friend a gift.
He Bat went with his bats sister to pick himself batself a birthday cake.
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✦ Ozzie/Rox !!
You guys use such cool pronouns!! :0
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by Moon♡ (certified femboy :3); ; Report