A note I got in band

At the change of the semester a guy named we're going to call J joined my band class. He seemed cool enough, not good at the clarinet but nice and willing to learn which is all that really maters. I thought about inviting him to hang out with me at lunch but he seemed to have some other friend he sat with already, and the people I sit with aren't always exited to see new faces, so I didn't. About a week after he joined the class and I had finally managed to remembered his name he left me a note on my music stand it read as follows:

Rabbeca I've thought you were cute since I met you, and I know we don't know a lot about each other, and I was wondering if you would like to hangout during lunch to talk about anything.

Sincerely J*******

Let us dissect this letter together. First of all that is not even close to how my name is spelled, my name is Rebecca, I feel like that's not even a good guess, why not guess like Rebekah from the bible? When I first read it, it did't occur to me it might be romantic, if someone wants to write me a love note they need to say verbatim "this is romantic" but I guess that's more a me issue than a him issue. I did tell him to come sit with me and my friends at lunch.

I got to lunch that day and passed the note around my friends and they all were so shocked I thought it was platonic, he ended up walking to our group but while I waved and smiled all my friends just sat silently and stared blankly at him!Like all 8 oh them! I felt bad that must been so awkward. After he had left another of my friends got to lunch late and when I showed her the note she said she had to see what he looked like. So her and 2 of my other friends draged me around the school until we found him. When we did find him I waved then walked to where he couldn't see me while my friends just stood there. They kept saying one off us needed to go tell him that I'm gay. Nobody wanted to so we just waited there.

Unluckily he got up and walked to the bathroom and the friend who made us go on this excursion in the first place ran up to him without warning. The next few things I say are what this girl told me happened, she asked him if he liked me and he said "I think so" apparently in a voice that made it clear that it was a yes, then she told him that I'm gay and he said "Oh, ok" or "Oh" or something else to that effect, the girl told him I would want to be friends and he walked glumly into the bathroom.

Since then I've tried to smile at him maybe invite him to sit with me at lunch but it's hard when he's always late and runs out the doors the second class is over. I learned he's friends with this one guy who is notorious at school for getting into this one fight and getting a disstrack written about him calling him gay. The girl who told him I'm gay said she wouldn't have done it if she'd know who he was friends with. I've also seen him hanging around the guy who pulled my arm out of it's socket in elementary school music class.

So that's the more eventful my love life has been, ever :)

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