I don't understand people who aren't scared of death. There is so much about death to fear and yet people dont fear it. I kind of envy them. I want to be able to see death as just another part of life but it's just so hard. I hate not knowing things and we know so little about death and it scares me. I hate not knowing when, how or why I'll die. Every time I think about it I feel like I'm going to die from just that. I don't want my life to end after I die and I have no control of that. I guess that's also a thing I fear about death. I have no control of it. I'm not a control freak but I hate not knowing what's going to happen and not having control over it.
ranting about my fear of death
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Jack K3nnedy ⚠︎
hey, i also have an extreme fear of death, so it kind of also makes me have a fear of time too. its mostly about just the whole idea of death and how insane it really is, like how im most likely not going to have a true chance of living anymore after i die. i know its going to be just like how i sleep, being unconcious for the rest of time, and thats what im scared of the most, because its just insane how living in general is taken for granted. so i also get scared of time passing because i know nomatter what this will get me closer and closer to what i fear most, and i cant stop it. soon ill have to be responsible and actually live which scares me.
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