... I need mental help at this rate.

I'm so fucking tired. 

i just wanna be left alone at this rate, i am tired. I've had a stressful week due to, uh... reasons that i will not mention (only certain people will know what I'm on about), and I'm so fucking tired of having to vent every single day just because of it. I'm so clingy, I really should just stop speaking, I really should just stop talking for once. 

I hate this so much. i really do, i just wanted things to be back to normal, how things used to be.. But even that's too much to ask for, it may be for an indefinite time but one of my fears had come true, one of my dearest friends on discord literally cutting communication with everyone on there and on spacehey to the point they'd unfriend me... this friend did so much to me that they don't even realise and if it weren't for them, I would've never found my purpose on life... 

But now that they are taking an indefinite break, which Is understandable.. I just feel as if everything was my fault... I know it wasn't, but I still can't help but to think that it was my fault.. im overreacting I understand.. I should shut up because all I ever did was make situations worse to the point i had a fit of rage and decided to be a bit honest to the friend... I was mad, pissed even. But can you blame me? There was drama going on between my online friend group, yet again, and I was scared that it may of ended up going too far... 

and it did, it got too far. even if it's for a small or big amount of time, the friend I was talking about before has unfriended me here and on discord, it was probably something I said and I had definitely deserved it. 

I'm scared. I really am. if I had never invited friends from different friend groups to a server and formed another friend group with people from that server and their servers, there would've been no drama... i know I'm in the wrong, I know I am. 

I just wish things were back to normal, I just wish none of this ever happened. I just wish I... Never of invited these friends to the server. It was a good opportunity for them to meet the aforementioned friend, but... When personalities and opinions clash between each other, of course that's where shit gets crazy. 

I just wish I never even opened my mouth to even contribute in the argument. I just... Ugh... 

4 Kudos


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ZERO's profile picture

you need new friend, i hope you find someone better people that truly like you and that you get the mental help you need to be happy again because you deserve it <333

help hotline is 1-800-662-help

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These friends mean the world to me, I'm more of a people pleaser.

These friends are the best friends ever to me, they're my ride or die.. I can't explain how much I enjoy being near them. Sure there's arguments but what's a friend group without an argument or two?

by anyone can find love. (boba); ; Report

ok, i just hope you feel better soon

by ZERO; ; Report


unknöwn's profile picture

Make new friends who don't gossip much.

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Dude, they're the best friends ever. I'm a gossipy type of person myself but even I have barriers, and they do too

by anyone can find love. (boba); ; Report


Nevethos 's profile picture

You are not at fault for anything said here, tea is just being a dick imo, i like tea as a person but this is just not okay. also i swear to GOD bro if we ever meet im hugging you so hard that your ribs BREAK /P /POS

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also to the hoes that kudo'ed and left, please die in the nicest way possible /hj

by Nevethos; ; Report

Bro really exposed the Friend ️ but seriously, thanks man

by anyone can find love. (boba); ; Report

yuh ill always be here for you

by Nevethos; ; Report

anyone can find love. (boba)

anyone can find love. (bo...'s profile picture

For once in my life, I don't wanna be ignored... I just need help..

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