Recurring Dreams (tw possibly)

Lately I've been having these intense, terrifying dreams that put me in horrible situations. But they all seem to happen in the same general area.....? Sometimes I'll have them back to back in the same city but different locations. It looked like somewhere in Europe, maybe England... or Germany?? Anyways, The first one last night was I think a field trip of some sort we were hoping around different parts of Europe split up into groups. my group had my friends in it(never seen these people before also could not see their faces clearly) we were walking around then there was a time jump to some tunnel and for some reason we decided to enter it. We were making our way through and the energy was slowly shifting. I could feel everything around me getting darker...we made it through the tunnel and we walked out; it was just this short narrow road with an extremely steep dried clay hill heading down to what seamed like a river? or most likely some type of sewage water draining system.I saw bubbles in a specific spot of the water and I bend down and squint to get a better view of it and idk what I saw but I was MORTIFIED and I felt something push me straight into the water!! I was panicking trying to hold onto something and trying to find a way back up, But I feel something BREATHINGGGG behind me. I was too scared to turn around, So I kept looking for a way out. I then feel something tugging on my feet trying to drag me down?!?!?! At this point im screaming for help but all my friends seemed to have disappeared. I look to my left and a girl rises up from the water, she seemed nice not scary at all?? but it was the look in her eyes that told me otherwise. It cuts to her TRYING TO DROWN ME. I am literally fighting with this girl screaming for my life; I kick her in the face and finally climb out of there. I look back and I see both of the "girls" get dragged to their death (or recurring death). I sprint out of there and down the tunnel but I feel something chasing me!!! When I made it out it was nighttime and all of my friends were missing still, I tried to call someone but my phone had water damage from the fall.

-------------------------------------HUGE TIME JUMP-----------------------------------------------------

Im in some mans creepy house sitting at his dinner table with him right across from me staring. Idk how I got there or who he was but I was scared. I was looking around to get a gist of my surroundings and possibly find an exit but I think he was onto me. There was a servant that would come and refill our teas so in order to distract him I called the servant over and "accidentally" made him spill the tea all over the man. I took this opportunity to SPRINT towards the stares that lead down to the front door; there were so many sharp turns and DOORS to run through and I can hear him running behind me?!?!?! I slam a door in his face to slow him down then I finally reach the main door, THAT HAD A FUCK ASS SCREEN DOOR TOO; IT WAS LOCKED. I panicked to unlock it as quickly as possible and ran out to the yard( That was extremely cluttered with KIDS TOYS AND JUNK) there was a GIANT tree in the middle, I ran around and hopped the fence. In my head I thought I was free but then when I run through a neighbors gate, there he was!! He grabbed me by my hair and covered my mouth while I was screaming. I bit his hand as hard as I could and tried to get away again but he yanked my leg and made me fall to the muddy ground. At this point im not only scared im pissed as fuck and im literally FIGHTING this man to get off of me. WHY WAS NOONE ELSE AROUND TO HEAR???? It was a pretty poor close together nieghborhood like townhouses almost, But NO ONE could hear me?!?!? I was getting exhausted and weak trying to fight him and he eventually won; Then I woke up. 

Does anyone have thoughts on what this could mean?? I don't dream often but when I do its always extremely traumatic and detailed.

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