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modern beauty standards must come to an end

this is gonna be a long rant, I’m sorry, but I just have to address this TvT 

Why is everyone, especially gen alphas, suddenly so unconfident? 

I really feel like this is a serious problem. my cousin, she’s 7, already has a phone and full access to social media, as well as her friends! o.o the overconsumption of social media, esp at young ages, is ruining the world. I’m particularly talking about the beauty standards that have been set for children young as 5!! ╥﹏╥ Why is literally nobody talking about this anymore? I feel like back in 2020, ppl were rlly pushing this out, and getting society to slowly accept the types of people that wouldn’t primarily fit the modern (American) beauty standards, such as plus sized women and men, acne scars, small lips, unibrows etc (˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ ) ✧ (Absolutely no hate to anyone who might fit these categories. This is unfortunately just the truth when it comes to the social view of American beauty standards (╯_╰)) But now, everything has stopped. The progress has ended. Nobody seems to care anymore. (It’s either this, or I’m on the WRONG side of social media!!) So many children are comparing themselves to adults, grownups, LITERAL MODLES. This is not normal! (O∆O) I don’t want to reveal my age, but I am from Gen Z, as are all my friends :3 None of them feel the same insecurities as the children from gen alpha. I feel like, as society progresses, more and more unrealistic expectations and laws are being set, making it more and more difficult for ppl to keep up. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

I read this post (on reddit I think) about a test/experiment that was conducted. It was discovered that around 80% of female adult millennials (1981-1996) satisfied the American beauty standards much more than Gen Z adults. Why? Because during the years 1981-1996, things like skincare and beauty products was available, though limited. One thing that was not available, however, was full and easy access to social media, networks and platforms. Keep in mind, we’re talking about the 1980’s here! (T⌓T) ) In the 1980’s they still had 21-inch TV’s!! \(`0´)/They were not exposed to the pressure, judgement and expectations of social media, whereas Gen Z was. Even with various skincare and beauty products now, the stress of trying to become like these models and fake people on social media is adding age to their faces, (forehead wrinkles bcs of stress, squinted eyes, eye bags due to phone addictions and/or intrusive/ negative thoughts that keeps someone up at night, acne due to stress and dandruff due to stress+ sm more!) :c 

SOCIAL MEDIA IS RUINING CHILDRENS LIVES!!! I know it’s hypocritical to post this yap session on a literal social media platform, but I feel that’s it’s the only way to spread this message across to as many places and to as many people as possible. The modern beauty standards are RUINING children’s lives, so much so that they are even ending them. Please speak out about this, ur voices matter and can save a lot of innocent people!!!

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