richard's profile picture

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Category: Life


  • name: richard (not legal)

    nicknames: lots

    age: 16 

    birthday: 23 aug

    location: estonia

    straight/bi/gay: gay

    job: student


    hair color: dirty blond

    eye color: blue

    height: 5'3 (laugh it up)

    ethnicity:  estonian

    look like a celeb: i've gotten lucas bergvall which i am not sure about

    dye your hair: no

    have bangs: depends on the styling

    have braces: no

    wear glasses: nope, 20/20 vision

    wear contacts: no

    piercings: 0

    tattoos: no


    color: orange

    movie: the godfather

    tv show: chernobyl

    animal: my cat

    food: burrito

    drink: water

    alcoholic drink: don't like any

    car: 50s aston martins

    day of the week: saturday

    season: summer

    song: dakchi hani by sami galbi

    sport: guess

    radio station: dont listen

    class: history

    holiday: midsommar

    quote: "I have a strange feeling with regard to you. As if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similiar string in you. And if you were to leave I'm afraid that cord of communication would snap. And I have a notion that I'd take to bleeding inwardly. As for you, you'd forget me."

    book: The Portrait of Dorian Gray

    magazine: haha maybe that gay mag XY

    flower: never thought about it

    memory: bayern winning the league 22/23


    person you hugged: mum

    person you kissed: haven't

    thing you said: complained about my cat begging for food

    thing you ate: banana

    texted: friend from school

    you called: mum

    called you: friend from school

    person you saw: my dad

    you have a long convo with: mum


    summer or winter: summer

    dog or cat: cat

    pepsi or coke: coke zero

    cellphone or ipod: hahaha this is dated. phone

    ocean or pool: pool

    black or white: black

    chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

    flowers or candy: flowers

    rock or rap: rap

    tv or movie: movie

    aim or myspace: loooool

    stars or hearts: stars

    bracelet or necklace: bracelet

    gold or silver: gold

    brunette or blonde: no matter 

    kisses or hugs: kisses

    pen or pencil: pen


    drank: no

    smoked: no

    failed a test: no

    had sex: no

    been home alone: yes

    stayed home from school: no

    been to the mall: yes

    bought a book: nope, wanted to tho

    been to a show/concert: no

    yelled at someone: no

    got into a fight/argument: no

    cried to a friend: no

    told the truth: yes

    told a lie: probably a white lie

    been out of country: noope


    tv: no

    your own phone: yes

    your own phone line: again, dated. cute

    vcr: this is killing me

    dvd player: nope

    radio: noope

    computer: using it right now

    posters: yes

    of what?: a print of a photo by anders petersen, a batman 2022 poster

    pictures: yes

    of who?: my grandmother, dad, my kindergarten class


    taken or single: single

    got a crush: not anything serious

    name pleaseee: no

    how far have you gone: none

    how far do you want to go: 5 children 1 dog 1 cat 2 houses and a lineage of a million dollars

    last person you said i love you to: my friend at school

2 Kudos


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