Music Survey!!!

music survey!!!

copyingย ะฏiotย for this :3

1. what's your favorite band or artist?ย Green day

2. what's your favorite album by your favorite artist?ย American Idiot

3. is that your favorite album of all time??ย No I like alot of albums from them;-;

4. what's your favorite song by your favorite artist?ย Suzie chapstick, Wild one, Give me novacaine

5. is that your favorite song of all time?ย Ya all three of them XD

6. what's your favorite genre ? Punk, Punk pop, rock, dance, pop, indie

7. do you prefer listening to albums or playlists?ย Playlist!

8. do you use spotify, yt music, itunes or something else?ย Just spotify :)

9. name an underrated band and an overrated band!!ย Green day! Overrated (Simple plan) ;-; im srry y'all

10. name an underrated album and an overrated album!!ย American Idiot (green day) overrated (My Chemical Romance- I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love) i tired with that 1

11. name an underrated song and an overrated song!!ย Suzie chapstick- Green day Overrated (Dominate love slave- green day)ย 

12. what's your most guilty pleasure song?ย Suzie chapstick

13. do you play/want to play any instruments ?ย I wanna play guitar and piano ;-;

14. if you were in a band, what would you name it ?ย Dance death

15. what's your favorite band name ? (not your favorite band's name, your favorite name a band has)ย Metallica

16. what band/artist have you been listening to the longest?ย Green day

17. what's the newest band/artist you started listening to?ย Ultra Q

18. what's the reason you usually start listening to a new band/artist ? (e.g friends suggest them, a song of theirs trends, etc) Love American Idiot the song and Fell in love with the album :3

20. what's a band/artist you didn't like at first but you like now?ย Blink-182

21. what's a band/artist you used to like but don't anymore?ย Cavetown and CG5

22. what band/artist do you think has the coolest aesthetic/style?ย Green day!

23. how many concerts have you gone to?ย 0 :(

24. what's your favorite concert you've gone to?ย N/a

25. if you could go to a concert of any band/artist ever, which would you choose? Green day

26. do you care more about lyrics or sound?ย Sound :) Lyrics depends on the songs XD

27. would you listen to a band with a bad singer if every other member was amazing?ย No bc voice is key srry :(

28. favorite game soundtrack?ย N/A

29. favorite movie soundtrack?ย Twilight

30. are you active in the fanbase for any bands/artists?ย Yesss OFC!

31. do you ever zone out and imagine epic amvs/edits to a song ur listening to ?ย Yes I do with my fav ocs but i could never animate :((

32. have you ever talked about a band/artist so much all your friends started associating anything to do with that band or artist with you?ย Yess even my family

33. what band/artist gets too much hate?ย Idrk

34. what band/artist doesnt get enough hate?ย Idrk Music is unique let it be

35. do you have any songs so strongly associated with something/someone that you can't think of anything else when you listen to it?ย Wake me up when September ends :(

36. how many band tees do you own ?(bonus for you emos: how many of them are black ?)ย 9 band shirts and all black!

37: do you collect vinyls or cds?ย Bothh :3333

38. do you own any band merch apart from tees, vinyls or cds ?ย Yess Almost all Cds from green day and have all the pops of them! and posters

39. what's a band/artist that you like that you've never met anyone else who's a fan of it?ย Ultra Q

40. what are you listening to right now?ย Amy- green day

41. whos ur musician celebrity crush?ย Billie joe Armstrongย 

42. do you watch recordings of live performances?ย Yes for all Green day

43. have you ever purposely tried to look like a musician you liked ? (eg dyeing your hair like theirs, copying their style, etv)ย yes the iconic look from billie joe American idiot

44. have you ever been compared to any musicians?ย Yes ;-;ย 

45. have you ever had a music related username on any site?ย Yes

46. favorite lyrics of all time ?ย " No one ever died for my sins in hell as far as I can tell!"- Green day (Jesus of suburbia)

"Will I ever see you face again not just photos from instagram"-Green day (Suzie chapstick)

47. favorite album cover?ย American idiot and Uno, Dos, and tre

48. have you ever listened to an album just because the title or album cover looked cool?ย Ya Three cheers for sweet revenge

49. favorite song title ? (not title of your favorite song, favorite title a song has)ย St. jimmy and Fuck Time - Green day

and last but not least

50. worst song you've ever heard ? Omg It was "Dominate love slave" It was Country! I cant with country its my folk music over here and I hear every day XCCC But besides that. Thats the worst song I have ever heard

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