I wrote it when i was in cat cafe, kind of proud of it.
A cat in banana boat
Travelling through the world
Admiring the view and beauty
Of the untouched globe.
A cat in banana boat
Travelling through the world
Looking at the stars
That shine so merily
The cat looks at the world
The untouched dearest world
Admiring all the beauty
That comes into touch
As snow starts pouring down
The flakes of it hit the ground
The cat looked at the snow
And hid in banana boat
The snow storm was picking up
The cat starts shivering down
The boat shook endlessly/recklessly
As waves hit it merely
From one side to another
The boat was falling over
As water got inside
The cat jumped in a fright
A cat in banana boat
Fearing for his world
Looked up at the skies
And plead in a prolonged scream
The cat in banana boat
Woke up in his world
The comfort of his home
The warmth of subtle glow
The cat was filled with sooth
As he looked at food
As he looked outside
The snowy darky night
The flakes of snow hit the ground
In a silent town
In a silent dance, just like in a trance
They dance in each others hands.
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