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Category: Life

i feel defeated

i'm not amounting to anything and i'm very lonely and i feel like none of my friendships are meaningful, what do i do? im considering doing bad stuff but i dont really want to

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chocomoon's profile picture

Hello, how are you? I don't know what's going on in your heart right now, but I understand how you feel, and even if you feel this horrible feeling of loneliness, believe me... You're not alone! Life can be complicated at times, but look around you, there are many reasons and reasons for you to feel good :). I don't like to give advice, I always try to find solutions to problems, because I know that many times, we wouldn't like just positive words, but to act. Why don't you exercise? I don't say gym or anything like that (although it also helps the mind a lot), but look around you. What makes you happy? What keeps you alive? What makes you smile? Take pictures with your camera and take the time to observe them, there is always something that keeps us alive, the simplest things in life that keep us here. If you're struggling, it's certainly because you're a good person, and I know you'll make it through it. I'm with you ^^. (Sorry my bad english, I'm from another country XD)

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