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Category: SpaceHey

notifications on spacehey

hey there! im new to spacehey. is there any way to get notified when someone sends your an IM, replies to you, accepts your request?

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angelina's profile picture

i tried to figure that out for a while too. i just now figured out one way, not sure if it's the most effective, but this is all i got. if you go to the home page, not clicking on your own profile or anything, you'll notice there's a box under the profile. the messages tab would show a small red dot if there's a message for u. hope this helps!

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yep! yesterday that wasn't showing up but it's showing right now (weird) but thanks tho!

by adumbass; ; Report

the accepting requests part is kinda just, idk. there. im pretty sure you'll just see them in your friends box on your profile.

by angelina; ; Report

no problem! :3

by angelina; ; Report

the notifications works now. it wasn't working yesterday (when I joined the site) and I was confused about how to know when someone sends me an IM/replies to my post etc.

by adumbass; ; Report

ah k.

by angelina; ; Report

ahhh. there's also the little bell icon next to the home tab. that might've been easier lol. all notifs come up on that. just forgot abt that for some reason. getting used to this website haha.

by angelina; ; Report