[02APR24] cd + cassette player! :O

more b4 bed blogging!! wow at this point i could make this a weekly thing!

honestly i think my week has been pretty uneventful. I've checked in with spacehey and animal crossing everyday this week (dunno if i can say thats a good thing tho - whoops...) I dont think ive done any journalling at all this week, and progress on youtube videos has been basically non-existent...

I got an old cd/cassette player and radio (pulled out of a cupboard for the first time in a gazillion years) and brought it home with me which forced me to tidy my desk up a little to make room for it. It had a cassette in it still, a recording of the radio from idk how long ago. One side says its a thursday but thats the only date i noticed while listening to it, and both sides seem to be recordings from different days. I also bought home some cds to try out in the player, only to open the case and realise the discs werent inside (rookie mistake T_T)

today i caught up with a friend and we went op shopping! I got a couple of jumpers but since i wanted things to play on my radio i made sure to take a look at the cds and cassettes in the shops as well. I have a really hard time branching out with new music (or shows/movies and similar things for that matter) so nothing really interested me.

I did find blank cds and empty cd cases though! I had a choice between those colourful sets you would see everywhere (or at least ive seen everywhere, search "colourful empty disc cases" and you might spot the ones im talking about) or a plain white/clear set. There were also other sets but with colours in the style of the white set, but the only reason the coloured sets were interesting was for the nostalgia and these other sets didnt have that. I settled on buying the white cases because i want to decorate them completely to my own taste, but im sure it wouldnt be hard to get those coloured ones somewhere else if i really want to scratch the nostalgia itch.

there are only about 8 discs in the pack of blank cds. I have a brand new pack of blank dvds of the same packaging and that holds 10 discs so maybe i havent really lost that much? And the disc cases i got 12 so that should last me a bit. Now all i have to do is decide what to burn onto them.

uuhmmm, but if anyone has some advice to help me branch out my music taste let me know! rn ive been leaving the radio on quietly in the background while i do other stuff, so if i hear something interesting i can shazam it and save with my other music (no luck so far ): )

anyway, this was a long read. I'm getting tired and this is getting hard to write so i'll wrap this up here and if i think of anything else to say it can be tomorrows blog entry! Heads up before i go though i might touch up the titles of some previous blogs just to keep the formatting nice so dont mind that!

okies, gn everyone! ( ´ ω ` )ノ゙

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