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Category: Blogging

listening 2 abnormality dancin girl

hello to the hey space , i am currently typing this on a 3:18 tuesday school night, i have choirs today and i am sorta (??) excited for it since i will b going out with my group to go see a opera perform,, we dont have to dress fancy but we can if we want to, i am taking a dress w me bcuz why not ? we r going shopping on the first day we get there,, i wont be really shopping , just looking around 4 vocaloid stuff & friends lmfao........it will be fun but tiring & draining at the same time,, but i will make blog abt it during or after it,, im sure itll be fun since i will get closer to my peer that i spoke to during practices,, theyre a cool person, i like them. ill try to socialize more durig this trip :)

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