i am so conflicted, what do i do?

For a bit over a year now I have been a devout follower of Christ. I strive to live a life that reflects the love of Jesus. However, I have been very conflicted. A lot of my music on Spotify does not reflect this. I censor my music when I perform live. I also censor songs I cover that have swear words (like that time someone called me "kidsbop mccafferty" on tiktok). However, I don't want to continue to promote sound that can lead people away from God. So, I am considering a couple options that I am hoping you, dear reader, can help me with. 

1st Option: I take down everything once I release my album, never to be heard again.

This option is a bit extreme, but it is present. By doing this, I would be doing what I could to delete every trace of my rebellion toward God, music-wise. I would be willing to do this if it seemed right, but I am not solid on this one. 

2nd Option: Take everything down on streaming services, give out CD's of the songs

This option also is odd, but it is present as well. Many people have grown onto some of these songs that I do not intend on remaking (Don't Leave Me This Way, Oh? , But if She's a Lesbian, etc.). So, I have been juggling the idea that at my album release show this July I would give out CD's of the deleted music. But, I would go on to publicize the new album along with the tracks on it! 

I am open to other ideas! But, these are the only ones I have for the time being. I want to make the right choice for God. I want to put my faith first and prioritize the Lord in my life. Please give me feedback and help me make a wise decision, internet! 

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Nic's profile picture

Swear words alone are just that. I would consider how they are being used, and not necessarily ban them outright. Like, are they being used to create a powerful emphasis on an idea or are they being used to insult?

Jesus was a revolutionary, not a Victorian prude, and was censored himself. I'm probably not the best influence for a Christian, but it's my opinion that the apostle Paul added a bunch of his own puritanical opinions to the evolving Christian morality at his time that Jesus himself may not have cared for. I say as long as your overall message isn't directly conflicting with the values you find important, you're probably alright. But simply mentioning certain themes like sexuality and drugs, really shouldn't be an issue.

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BEAUTIFUL FUCKING NERVE A...'s profile picture


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I believe God had blessed man with the choice to follow Him and live according to His will. Or, we can choose to follow the wisdom of man. Gods way is not always the most comfortable. And, it likely will clash with the flesh. But, I personally would rather do Gods will and be hungry than to live by everything I want to do cause I know I am serving my Lord and savior. This likely sounded incoherent so I apologize I am tired.

by Jonathan Ray; ; Report