
Hi all :3

Curious if anyone else is into skeuomorphism and has examples of software??

If you don't already know, skeuomorphism (in a digital sense) is a design language that seeks to replicate elements of real-world objects in a digital format. It was a dominant design language in many computer programs from the late 90s through the early 2010s.

These designs have largely fallen out of style due to their "cluttered" nature and have largely been replaced by flat, minimalist designs. However, I think there's something very endearing and joyous about these designs that has been lost as a result.

Here are some examples of skeuomorphism:


Its design is reminiscent of tape decks and equalizers and remains a classic example.


Apple's original iBooks app for iOS in the 2010s aimed to resemble a physical bookshelf/stand.

Many many VSTs (virtual instrument plugins):

Many virtual instrument plugins in music production maintain skeuomorphic design principles still. This is a picture of Softube's tape saturation plugin (highly recommend this :3).

Hope this gives you a good idea. Let me know if you know of similar software. If not, at least maybe you learned a lil something :3

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