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Category: Blogging


OH MUH GAWD I am #Excited BCS.... Guess who's birthday it is today...

CODEHHHH :D if u seen his blog yew already know what I got him but since l'm a WERKING GURL I bought him more things. I feel like a mom wrapping the gifts for muh little babbehs X3 HAPPY... uh... how old is he again? Like... WHATEVER HAPPY BIRTHDAY CODYKINS <3!  I couldn’t post this sooner because I was at at Cody’s BIG party.  this little EMO FREAK gen or whatever her name was is there 

Oh my god it was so fun untill someone shouted my name from across the room- ;-; it was that OBESE MONSTER owen. He wanted a stewpid autograph ugh i luckily managed to hide from him butt..💔 i LOST CODY. I COULDNT FIND HIM ANYWHERE... ;-;💔-

i went to go sob in the bathroom and like… i heard some wierd noises coming from cody's bedroom so i knocked on the door and after 10 WHOLE MINUTES he came out and for some reason alejandro was in there too?? So wierd -_-. Anyway cody was having some trouble walking so i #carried him downstairs (AM I A GOOD GF OR WHAT!?!! XD) AND i got to give him da WONDERFUL CAKE i baked #ALLBYMYSELF 4 MAI CODYKINS!! EEK he was so happy. #maybe it even took hid mind off his sore legs xD i hope. Anyways guys im SOR SORRY about not posting yet cuz i waz busy partying and hanging out with codykins all day :P butt now im home cuz my curfew is 10:30 -_- 

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ummmmmm sierra my legs were sore bcus i was playing football with alejandreo okay??????

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in your room...? youre so silly codykins X3

by SIERRA <3; ; Report