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Category: Life

On the topic of normalcy, social belonging, assimilation, & the hivemind.

All my life, I have been ostracized, whether that is online or in person. I have a feeling a lot of you will relate; yet those who do not always seem to be part of large subcultures or copy-pastes of one other touting whatever regurgitated mainstream nonsense is popular at the time, oftentimes forming large clusters of people who are basically replicas of one another. I, for one, cannot grasp this concept quite yet as people (especially in person) are quite alien to me and it fascinates me to see humans acting sort of like a hivemind- this is very prominent in a lot of different ways, like music, politics, fandoms, etc.

When you're different, you are either forced to change into what everybody else is already, and if you refuse, you're shunned like some kind of freak of nature. What makes normies so anti-intellectual? Why do they act like cattle at the prod of our government? Are they agents sent out to spy and antagonize me? Are normies stupid, brainwashed, or braindead? Maybe a combination of all three?

It always seems this way and I can't wrap my head around as to why. I've never quite gotten along with anyone in real life and I always find myself alone at lunch or any social event. Why is this bugpeople Chinaesque assimilation event so suddenly prominent? Is this humanity evolving backwards or perhaps some kind of societal cannibalization?

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