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Category: Blogging

End of the world - End times

Honestly yall... the world is not looking good right now. its hella weird shit happening and it sure isn't for no reason. Like for example there's an eclipse happening on April 8th and by how it looks this eclipse could either be the end of the world or a mass energy harvest by the elites and cults, Possible anti-christ, Mandela effects, Bible events connecting, etc!! so relax, allow me to elaborate and READD 


There is a cult full of elites that WORSHIP a God named Moloch (God of child sacrifice). they have done some pretty horrible shit that go wayyy back in time I'm talking centuries to be where they are, and it is believed that during this eclipse they will be facing judgement and karma, BUT.. they are are aware of this and will definitely try to fight this by performing a mass child sacrifice during this eclipse on April 8th. so please be wary.

There is also an Organization called CERN that supposedly is trying to 'Uncover what the universe is made of and how it works". But do not be brainwashed this is just a HUGE energy harvest. They own this accelerator type of machine which they powered in 2022's Mercury retrograde and will now power again in the coming eclipse. mmmm...

Did you know that the eclipse is traced to overlap the last 2 total eclipse's and going through different states with the same city name? (Nineveh) weird right.


I dont even gotta say too much, we know its Elon musk.

he better get out my face with them brain chips.

Anywayss yall I'm tired, let me know if you guys want more information, your feedback on this and what you wanna hear about next would be greatly appreciated.

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