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Category: Life

Woah man

I have been gone for a little bit. I have been busy and depressed as fuck. I have been talking to Natalie and Elliot again. I just got a text from them asking for a threesome. I am baffled but of course I said yes. I'm low-key a whore and would do anything for sexual attention. I don't know when it's gonna happen because I'm not really allowed to talk to them or see them so trying to do this is gonna be kinda hard. But I'm gonna let it happen. I have started failing a bunch of classes, I think I'm starting to really give up on things. The last few times this has happened, I've ended up in the hospital. I am also scared because if I do end up going, then I might lose everything in my room and have my mom lose the trust. I am just in the feeling of "Woah man". 

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