37 | idk what to title this one

guess who secured my big person job lined up for me when I graduate college…… MEEEEEEE


that’s right, im gonna b in the operating room helping doctors with their surgeries yippyy :333. I know I posted this on April fools day but im actually being fr here LOL. I was so surprised I was offered the job because they told me they had a lot of people applying for it, and honestly I’m not quite the “type A, assertive, leader personality” they were digging at in the interview.


i guess that does make me feel nervous?? But then the director also told me that she was also a person who struggled with these qualities at first, and was able to grow from them, so I think I can too. I am still in disbelief though. I was expecting to be in the job hunting trenches for a while but I got the first job I applied for in within a month.


anyways I am soooo excited to start. I’ll have money to fund my hobbies finally and leave my college. FINSLLY.

umm I guess other news is that I started working out again, like just running though.


I started getting some back pains from work and ion want that


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