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Category: Writing and Poetry

Walk Down Memory Lane


It just turned one and I clocked out and started to lock up and walk home.

As I started walking down my usual route, I was stopped by police tape.

I look up only to see a pickup truck knocked on its side with blood and debris everywhere.

I sighed, "Welp, I guess I have to take a detour." I said while walking into the small path in the woods.

As I was walking down this small trail I felt nostalgic while reminiscing on old memories of how Jim and I would always f*ck around back here when we were in our youth days.

I smiled while observing some more.

It feels like it was just yesterday me and Jim were playing tag and getting into so much trouble.

Now all we do is work.

I reached the end of the trail and approached my house.

I took out my keys and unlocked the door to see my sister still awake and watching TV.

"Emily, why are you still up? You do know you have school right?" I said.

"W-Well I think I'm coming down with something Stan." She complains as she coughs.

I sigh, "Emily you know if you are absent one more time I will get fined and I don't have that kinda money for that."

"I-I know, I'm sorry I'm just scared. You know how the girls make fun of me." she said while looking down in shame.

"I know I know. I understand, trust me, but It's okay to be afraid I promise." I said with a smile.

She smiles and hugs me.

I let out my hand gesturing for the remote.

She hands me the remote and walks upstairs.

I sat down on the couch and started to doze off until eventually I completely passed out.

I woke up to see someone or something

"If you're trying to scare me it wont work Emily, and I thought I told you to go to bed?" I said unamused.

But then I shut my mouth as soon as I saw it

Open its eyes.

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