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A distasteful anecdote (KINDA NSFW IG???????????)

I must've been around.. Like.. 16 or 17 when this happened, I was on vacation visiting some family members that lived pretty far away, I was hanging out with my similarly-aged cousin in the backyard of her grandpa's house.

Her grandpa lived really closeby to his brother (His house's front yard was my cousin's grandpa's backyard) He was a total burnout, he creepily oggled at my mom and my female cousins all the time, never saying a single word.

WELL. The thing is we had just gotten done eating dinner outside and we were about to head inside, my dumbass decided it would be funny to act as if i was peeking into that guy's house, I mean, the setup was right there. His living room had these huge windows that were pretty hard to ignore, you'd be able to look inside his house pretty clearly even if you weren't trying to do it.

As I pretend to peek into his house, my cousin jokingly states in a playfully stupid sounding tone;

"HeY wHaT iF hE's JeRkInG oFf"

I scoffed at her joke cuz like, why the hell would you just blurt that out about your gruncle. 


Yeah so it turns out he actually WAS doing exactly just that, while looking at midget smut, mind you.

My actual reaction

1 Kudos


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