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Category: Blogging

small youtube channels??

Wondering if anyone out there also has a small youtube channel (or honestly even if it's not small, I just wanna see what people are up to!)??? I'd love to have a look at them!

Also shameless self promo (as though the people who friend me on here aren't already bombarded with it enough •⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;) I have a channel where I post minecraft let's plays and basically whatever else I have the confidence to make and share :P

Here's da link! (Sorry as usual for making people click on random links lol)

Also to be clear this isn't like sub4sub or whatever. You probably won't even notice me interacting with your channel and you have no obligation to look at mine! I just want to have a look see at the kind of videos people like to make :3

0 Kudos


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Statiscit 🍉

Statiscit 🍉's profile picture

I have a channel where I post vlogs and whatever ig

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i've been interested in making vlogs and never considered just lowering the camera to get my face out of frame (i assume thats why you do that?) that's actually really cool!

by stressed dinosaur; ; Report

Haha yeah I lower my camera to hide my face, it’s just easier that way for me I guess. U should definitely make vlogs! All u need is a phone and an editing software and you’ll be good to go. They’re really fun to make and look back at as memories

by Statiscit 🍉; ; Report