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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Wireless headphones (and why I have to go back to the old model)

A lot of this was already released as bulletin once, with less detail and a different conclusion.

The "new" ones basically died - after like 3 years of use they suddenly can't hold a charge and refuse to charge from a powerbank(and powerbank specifically) poperly, so while I'm home for easter I grabbed the old model. New ones are Soundblaster Jam V2, old ones are the "V1" as it were and It's actually insane how much better the OGs are. Instant NFC pairing, battery status in 10% intervals instead of 20 and THEY STILL HOLD CHARGE despite being twice the age and purchased second hand. Now granted I didn't drive them nearly as much, so stuff like their headband being tighter and such is not involved and yea the battery might wear out if I leave them plugged in overnight as many times as I did V2 but I've seen many people complain about their V2 dying and OGs working well.
My guess is they screwed something up when moving from USB micro B to USB C, the one upgrade V2s actually got. Not like it matters that much since I don't think they actually fast charge or anything but I never looked at the readings f that powerbank and it's the only charger I own that reports usage numbers. I actually think it might have to do with capacitos but it's a wild guess, I don't know nearly enough to tell.
So yea I took V1s for a spin today and was quite pleased, but there is also a problem with going back to them. The speakers in both versions are plastic and in my V1, the plastic is crumbled, which results in a distorted sound. Double weird because it affects them randomly and usually one at a time. I don't even know if it's somehow my doing or if I got them like that. Ordinarily this probably wouldn't even be that much of a problem (I have certainly seen people enjoy worse), but I'm the kind of person who re-watches a lot of videos by the same people and I consider my hearing quite good at recognizing sounds especially in music I enjoy (and versions there of [to a fault in fact, as of recent]) so it was the main reason why I stopped using them and eventually switched. Now the solution considering my skills is simple - take speakers out of dying V2 and put it in the OG, unfortunately the screws they used are non standard and deep in the plastic. While I do have the right bit for the screws, it's in 1/4 inch and I don't think even a 4mm bit would fit there with the driver so I'd neet to order the right screwdriver.
But I think I'll instead go looking for another pair and pray to God, they are as cheap as they were when I gpt them originally, I'll keep the ear sponge replacements I got for V2 tho because they are far more dense and thick, thus more rigid. They also do a good job making the distortion slightly less obvious but MAN it's still very much there.
Once I get the new pair I'll have two slightly off versions, so I'm thinking of actually fucking aound a bit. I think I'll also get the screwdriver and try swapping parts a bit. I was actually joking around about swapping he batteries from V1 into V2 with friends so it's an experiment I'd like to perform even temporarily, assuming their parameters allow, but seeing how much better in literally all but the power input V1 is (and maybe also the ability to run as a dedicated USB sound card, I didn't test if that was a thing in V1, but so far in V2 it's been more annoying than useful) I'll probably just go with the OG and maybe just hack USB-C in while at it, but that'd be a lot of tiny wires just for an easier time plugging them in, even if it has been a common thing I do whie still having them on, an adapter should be alright for the "new" pair.

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mimbo nerd

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r/UsbCHardware: im so freaking tired of usbc devices that only
I'm prety sure I've read about the OpenPandora thing lacking that in its USB-C and its community devised a guide on adding it; but maybe it was another, as I fail to find it again. Mostly is an issue with C-C cables, but when there is a too low power draw sometimes the power banks stop switch off on type A cables too, unless they can be press-and-held into a "trickle charging" support mode, denoted by an "L" every two seconds on ones with a display.

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gawd something about how i wrote my html obliterated my whole first paragraph talking about how they miss a 5.1 kΩ resistor between CC1 and CC2 in the absence of a USB-C PD chip, as well as sometimes is better if they have data pins shorted

by mimbo nerd; ; Report

sounds vaguely reminiscent of my issue, but I only seem to encounter it when both headphonees and phone itself is connected and then charging starts from 0%, even tho it usually jusually jumps back just as quickly

by Alveus Nosville; ; Report

mimbo nerd

mimbo nerd's profile picture

Oh I have the V1 ones and I love them but they got this issue, seemingly from rains, that sometimes low tones will have one of the phones sizzle on strong low tones1, which gets a bit better depending on if i make sure to have the "Bass" mode off.

1 — brb adding Ultravox to the profile list–under–construction

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