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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

Dream Dive 4

        So last night’s dream was a little interesting as to some it may technically be classified as a nightmare?

        So the dream started off like any other. I was looking through my ipad, specifically the Gitaroo Pals discord server (it was about something similar to that Prince Angel boss a few dreams ago), and doing unfinished schoolwork from the day before. It was one of the last days of school before SOLs / finals. Today in school, there was a PE field trip for something, but for some reason, the school was darkly lit. I didn’t immediately take note of it being significant to a scenario that’s gonna happen near the end of the dream, so I didn’t think anything of it. Plus, I didn’t know what that significant scenario was until I got to the location.

        When we got to the location, the PE coach notified that we’re going here because of a test (this is not the nightmare bit btw) to see how good our skills are at certain physical tasks like running and jumping. The location was at like, a parkour course full of foam walls and jumps and crazy things like that. I remember there was a really cool obstacle that was me jumping over a foam wall and going down a rope on the other side of the wall. Before that, when I came to look down the overhang to see what the course looked like, something struck me as odd. 


        That odd thing being, I may have been here before a dream prior. This course had the same color scheme and same layout as the one from the other dream. I didn’t think too much of it, but it was a lingering thought in my head throughout the course. I just continued on, singing Porter Robinson’s Get Your Wish while moving throughout the course.

        The course had checkpoints where you have to do a certain activity in order to move on. One of those checkpoint activities being “Take a ball and put it into a hole to move on.” The ending activity was you needed to do something while singing a song to finish the course. When I did that ending bit, a few seconds later, that significant bit happened that I keep mentioning.

        When I did the ending activity, I didn’t think too much of it, until a few seconds later when so much was happening that I almost got overwhelmed. A few seconds later, my view would cut to a fisheye view of one of the people who finished the course drinking water in an energetic attitude, like they were in the middle of playing basketball or something. Multiple people would start teleporting to this same location as the dude drinking water, and they started acting really strange, making faces to the fisheye lens that was my vision. 

        I didn’t know how or why they were acting this way, my first thought was it was having to do with WWE wrestler Bray Wyatt, a wrestler who’s known for his horror inspired visuals and how he would just appear behind a wrestler after a few seconds of black screen. I said to the guys who were acting weird, “Why are y’all acting this way?” Their answer was “We’re just getting really smart, you know?” That answer was really suspicious, and I started to get really scared so I booked it through the exit, which would lead out of a door from the third floor of my house(?). I rushed downstairs to the second floor, where the front door is, and I opened it. I opened it, and saw that there was a man outside, a man who looked very similar to Bray Wyatt’s Uncle Howdy character; Shoulder length hair, and having a weird mask on. When I saw that person, I immediately closed it as fast as I can, then ran away to hide while shouting “I FREAKING KNEW IT! I FREAKING- I FREAKING KNEW IT!” Then, the dream would end.

0 Kudos


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